We always try our best to keep the factory at a good standard. The best way to do this is to engage the factory with international audits. By conducting audits on the factory, we can know clearly where the factory stands in strength and weaknesses. Another benefit that auditing provides is to allow us to engage in more business opportunity. Name-brands like Universal Studios, Disney, M&M’s, Hershey’s usually requires the factory to be audited before they can produce their items.
For the above reasons, we encourage the factory to be audited each year. Currently, the factory has passed the audit for Disney, NBCUniversal, Sedex 4-Pillar. We also welcome customers who require a different audit. Click here to discuss more with us!
If you would like to see the items that we have done for name-brands. Please click here to send us an inquiry along with a business card to discuss further.